Hospitality TrendsGLOBAL HOTEL ALLIANCE REIMAGINED TO MEET EXPECTATIONS OF TODAY’S TRAVELLERStimonlineDecember 15, 2021December 27, 2021 by timonlineDecember 15, 2021December 27, 20210507 🔊 Listen to this Global Hotel Alliance embraces consumer demand for more flexibility on how they earn and spend rewards, at home or away, with
NewsTravel Recovery to be Uneven and Highly Variable: PATAtimonlineOctober 30, 2021November 2, 2021 by timonlineOctober 30, 2021November 2, 20210798 🔊 Listen to this Given the dynamic environment driven by COVID-19 health and border policies, the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) has updated the third-quarter