ICTT Tourism Conclave to Boost Personalised Travel

The 3rd International Conference on Tourism Technology (ICTT) will be held at Kochi to discuss on the idea to meet the demand and supply of changing business situations amid the tourism community becoming comprehensively reliant on niche expertise and modernization. The summit is being organized by the Association of Tourism Trade Organisations, India (ATTOI) in collaboration with Department of Tourism, Govt of Kerala.

Mr. Kadakampally, Surendran, Tourism Minister, Kerala will inaugurate the September 26-27 event, where around 500 delegates are set to benefit from half-a-dozen sessions that aim to enrich owners of hotels and resorts, online tourism marketing managers and tour operators with newest ways of bettering business.

The two-day meet at Le Meridien will pay special attention to the stronger application of artificial intelligence in India’s tourism scene and ways to woo Chinese tourists to Kerala.

The inaugural ceremony will be addressed by Mr.Hibi Eden, MP, Mrs. Rani George, Secretary, Kerala Tourism and Mr. P Bala Kiran, Director, besides Rahul R, Managing Director, KTDC and Mr. T K Manzoor, MD, Bekal Resorts Development Corporation.

Anish Kumar P K Convener ICTT Informing that the conference will feature experts from abroad and bring the stakeholders of India’s travel and tourism on a single platform.
On the second day coinciding with the World Tourism Day (September 27), ICTT will have its delegates doing a ‘human formation’. The intention is to let people across the globe know, through social media, the significance of the day, the organizers informed.

The opening session Mr.Richard Matuzevich of the World Tourism Cities Federation will be led ‘How to do Social Media Tourism Promotion to Get Chinese Tourists. Subsequently, Ellie Shedden from Australia will speak on ‘Impact of Influential Marketing in Tourism’.

Singapore-based David Carollo will speak on ‘Secrets of Search Engine Rankings’, followed by German expert Hannes Lösch’s address on ‘Artificial Intelligence and Travel Revolution’ in session 2. Shane Dallas from Keny will give ‘Tips to Become a Good Digital Photographer’ In session-3, .

On the second day, Alicia Whalen of Ontario (Canada) will guide the delegate on ‘How to Create a Good Story about Your Brand’. Subsequently, there will be an hour’s celebration of World Tourism Day.

Brian Marrinan of Dublin (Ireland) will then talk on ‘How to Create Startup jobs in Tourism through Online Platform’, followed by Sean Patrick Si (Philippines) on ‘Improving E-A-T SEO’.

Heather Heuman of Columbia (US) will guide on ‘How to Create an Attention-Grabbing Content/Blog?’, followed by Jessica Dante (London) on ‘How to use YouTube for Destination Promotion’.

The final session, on ‘Instagram Growth Strategies’, will be led by Isabel Mosk (Amsterdam). This will be followed by the valedictory function.



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