As part of the World Tourism Day 2022, a full-day celebration was organised at Muziris in Kerala by the South Indian and Kerala body of the Regional Level Guides, in collaboration and support with India Tourism Kochi, Muziris heritage project, and Kottappuram Integrated Society (KIDS).

The celebration kicked off with a boat cruise from Varapuzha to Kottappuram with stakeholders from the Tourism industry on board. A seminar was also organised on the theme of World Tourism day2022 “Rethinking Tourism.”.The seminar has been addressed by Mr. Sejoe Jose ( IATO Chairman, Southern Chapter), Mr. Ravikumar (India Tourism), Mr. Jayachandran ( President TGFSI), Ms. Sajana (Muziris heritage project), and Fr. Jojo (Kottappuram Integrated Development Society, KIDS). The welcome address has been delivered by Jairaj and the vote of thanks by Arun Kumar.
Major tour operators from Kerala, regional level tour guides and other industry stakeholders were all taken part in the event.
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Kerala Travel Mart 2022 – Part 2