Tourism is one of the hardest-hit Industries by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has had massive social and economic impacts on both developed and developing countries, The restart of tourism will help to kickstart the recovery and growth.

UNWTO has designated World Tourism Day 2021 as a day to focus on Tourism for inclusive Growth. UNWTO refers to this opportunity to look beyond tourism statistics and acknowledge that, behind every number, there is a person. UNWTO invites its Member States, as well as non-members, sister UN agencies, businesses, and individuals to celebrate tourism’s unique ability to ensure that nobody is left behind as the world begins to open up again and look to the future.

World Tourism Day, which is celebrated on 27 September, is the global observance day to foster awareness of the social, cultural, political, and economic value and the contribution of the tourism sector to achieve  Sustainable Development Goals. The most vulnerable members of societies have been less able to cope with the social and economic effects of the pandemic. Furthermore, low-paid workers, youth, the elderly, indigenous communities, and differently-abled people, are in many cases also less likely to have the resources or opportunities to bounce back from adversity.

The Second Principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to “Leave No One Behind”. As per UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Guidelines, Sustainable tourism should

Make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes, and helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity. Respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserve their built and living cultural heritage and traditional values, and contribute to inter-cultural understanding and tolerance.

Ensure viable, long-term economic operations, providing socio-economic benefits to all stakeholders that are fairly distributed, including stable employment and income-earning opportunities and social services to host communities, and contributing to poverty alleviation.

UNWTO offers leadership and support to the tourism sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide,  advocating for responsible tourism, and promoting tourism as a driving force towards economic growth, inclusive development, and environmental sustainability.

UNWTO encourages the current  156 countries with membership for the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics in Tourism, in order to maximize tourism´s socio-economic contribution while minimizing its possible negative impacts.

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Conference of Tourism and Culture Ministers of the North Eastern States

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