The COVID 19 pandemic has changed all the Industries around the world irrespective of individuals, industries, and geographical parameters. Tourism is highly sensitive to significant shocks like these.
The effects of COVID 19 in the tourism sector are multi-layered and are beyond the cancellation of flights or accommodation bookings. Its time is to display the cards which can help the travel and tourism industry to survive in the pandemic
While recovering from the impact of COVID-19 and build it back stronger is the need of the sector and the economy as well. It is important to protect people and maintain a healthy tourism industry and the worst effects of any type of shock can often prevent, with apt and timely social protection.
All the countries have their own perspectives to improve the competitiveness in the travel and tourism sector and public-private partnership and collaboration is the requirement to improve the circumstances. All the new plans should be based on consideration of socio-economic sustainability. It is a good chance to reset the relationship with nature through the efforts of putting nature at the center of all decisions.
Sustainable tourism practices are capable to maintain a high level of tourist satisfaction and It can raise awareness among tourists about sustainability Issues.
The effects that have shocked tourism can be quantified by using the computable general equilibrium( CGE) models. The CGE model has the advantage that it allows analysis on inter-sectoral linkages and takes limitations of the availability of primary factors, capital, land, labour, and natural resources, into account. Since major endowments in Tourism are capital and labour
The Capital in Tourism to a large extent is immobile which comprises hotels, ports and airports, rental cars, and specific tourist facilities. throughout the economy has a multiplier effect due to intersectoral linkage with the tourism industry and its indirect losses.
This Pandemic has made the Travel & Tourism industry around the globe, the governments, and, travellers experienced how deeply integrated and interdependent all we are on each other.
If we can make mainstream of a new model in this new transition to a carbon-neutral which brings a nature-positive economy will sure give result in great prosperity and new developments.
As the world’s largest employers tourism, hospitality, and travel industry, it is important to think and act how the tourism, travel, and hospitality industry will recover after COVID 19 if the vaccine is ever discovered—and how the industry can be made sustainable in all these chaos