Tourism EventsPATA TRAVEL MART FROM OCT 4 – 6 2023timonlineOctober 3, 2023October 5, 2023 by timonlineOctober 3, 2023October 5, 202301742 🔊 Listen to this India is gearing up to host the 46th edition of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Travel Mart 2023 from October
Domestic DestinationsHeritage wonderland of WarangaltimonlineMarch 26, 2023May 15, 2023 by timonlineMarch 26, 2023May 15, 20230867 🔊 Listen to this The second largest city in Telangana which was once the capital of the famed Kakatiya dynasty dating back to the 13th
NewsJAYACHANDRAN V G will lead TGFSItimonlineMay 6, 2022June 1, 2022 by timonlineMay 6, 2022June 1, 202201016 🔊 Listen to this The 14th Annual General Body meeting of Tourist Guides Federation of South India TGFSI, the largest organisation of Regional Level Tourist
AppointmentsIATO appointed new Chapter ChairmentimonlineMay 2, 2021May 4, 2021 by timonlineMay 2, 2021May 4, 2021084 🔊 Listen to this IATO Executive Committee has appointed new Chapter Chairmen for a few of the State Chapters. Mr. Sejoe who has been the
NewsTelangana is all set to Woo TouriststimonlineNovember 18, 2019December 14, 2020 by timonlineNovember 18, 2019December 14, 202002023 🔊 Listen to this Telangana the youngest state of India is a place, which boasts of rich culture and a plethora of eye-catching destinations that
StatesTelanganatimonlineFebruary 28, 2019February 13, 2020 by timonlineFebruary 28, 2019February 13, 20200217 🔊 Listen to this Telangana is situated in the centre-south stretch of the Indian peninsula on the high Deccan Plateau. It was formed on June